Taking the Concept-Mapping approach to Human-Computer Interface design. A mind mapper, and at the same time an easy-to-operate hierarchical editor with strong emphasis on folding. These two are not really two different things, just two different descriptions of a single application. Often used for knowledge and content management.
Packages are available for the following releases:
Ubuntu 15.10: 1.0.1-1~getdeb3
Ubuntu 14.04: 1.0.1-1~getdeb3
Ubuntu 14.10: 1.0.1-1~getdeb3
Ubuntu 15.04: 1.0.1-1~getdeb3
Package downloads per version:
Version 1.0.1: 9847
Install the application manually with the following commands:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install freemind
Uninstall the application with the following command:
sudo apt-get remove freemind
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