Songbird is a desktop Web player, a digital jukebox and Web browser mash-up. Like Winamp, it supports extensions and skins feathers. Like Firefox, it is built from Mozilla, cross-platform and open source.
Packages are available for the following releases:
Ubuntu 13.10: 2.0.0-1~getdeb3~saucy
Ubuntu 16.04: 2.0.0-1~getdeb3~saucy
Ubuntu 14.04: 2.0.0-1~getdeb3~saucy
Ubuntu 12.04: 2.0.0-1~getdeb1
Ubuntu 14.10: 2.0.0-1~getdeb3~saucy
Ubuntu 12.10: 2.0.0-1~getdeb1
Ubuntu 15.10: 2.0.0-1~getdeb3~saucy
Ubuntu 15.04: 2.0.0-1~getdeb3~saucy
Ubuntu 13.04: 2.0.0-1~getdeb1
Package downloads per version:
Version 2.0.0: 6917
Install the application manually with the following commands:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install songbird
Uninstall the application with the following command:
sudo apt-get remove songbird
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